

/My entire career

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Jun 15

Bachelor of Architecture

CalPoly SLO

College of Environmental Design (more…)

Jul 6


Krekow Jennings

Residential & Commercial Builder Seattle, WA

Project Manager

Pacific Mountain Builders

Residential & Commercial Design-Build Seattle, WA

Apr 8
Apr 5

General Manager

1:1 Studios Incorporated

Self Founded Residential & Commercial Design-Build Seattle, WA

Lead Carpenter


Residential Builder Seattle, WA

Aug 1

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matthew grummerDesign-Builder



Seattle Washington

Curricula Vitae

17years of experience
120projects completed
$14Mlargest construction costs
42monthslongest project schedule


/Get in touch with me

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matthew grummerDesign-Builder


About Me

/Who Am I

Matthew Grummer has a lifelong passion for the Building Industry.  His practical experience started as a young teen, observing the work of his uncle in partnership with Bart Prince, craft bold architectural forms in the southwest landscape. From Lincoln-Logs to Legos, from hand rendering to 3-D space visualization, from carpentry to theoretical design theorems, from Matthew has an extremely broad knowledge of what constitutes the industry. Matthew earned his Bachelor of Architecture degree from California Polytechnic University of San Luis Obispo in 2005. While completing his degree, Matthew started his own design-build business exploring the depths of the designer-builder industry.

He has worked as project manager and/or in the construction field with Krekow Jennings, Schuchart Dow, Eric Cobb, Olsen Kundig, Tyler Engle, Heliotrope and Woollen Studios. With an emphasis creating a successful project schedule and logistical plan, Matthew’s strength is in pulling together a team to complete complex projects while communicating clearly and simply along the way. Matthew is currently employed with Krekow Jennings as a Construction Superintendent, working on Custom Residential and Boutique Commercial Projects in Seattle, Hawaii, Sun Valley and California.

Vision Statement

I seek to create a model of the urban built environment that maintains integrity & value in the translation from concept to concrete. I desire to use my giftings to develop, communicate & implement complex projects by attaining specific goals and accomplishing big visions at the forefront of culture & technology. I desire to impact people by casting vision and motivating others into a dynamic team of coordinated competencies from the community in order to implement the many parts contributing to the whole. Therefore, through the establishment, redevelopment & revitalization of urban environments that are inherently valuable, I continue immersing myself and investing in resourceful & trainable people.


Matthew Grummer has a lifelong passion for the Building Industry. From Lincoln-Logs to Legos, from hand rendering to 3-D space visualization, from carpentry to theoretical design theorems, from Matthew possesses an extremely broad knowledge and skill of what constitutes the industry. Matthew earned his Bachelor of Architecture degree from California Polytechnic University of San Luis Obispo in 2005. While completing his degree, Matthew started his own design-build-fabricate business exploring the depths of the designer-builder industry.

He has worked as project manager and/or in the construction field with Schuchart Dow Inc. General Contractors, Johnson Squared, Inhabit LLC, Woollen Studio, and Ron Ayers Design and Construction. With an emphasis on Cottage Housing, Matthew continues to consult with several small architecture firms and builders and developers on sustainable practices and building technologies through design implementation and planning and organization tools.

My Resume is available to view here or download. Download Format is Adobe PDF . The reader download is available here.

0 Resume

Matthew Grummer has a lifelong passion for the Building Industry.  From Lincoln-Logs to Legos, from hand rendering to 3-D space visualization, from carpentry to theoretical design theorems, from Matthew has an extremely broad knowledge of what constitutes the industry. Matthew earned his Bachelor of Architecture degree from California Polytechnic University of San Luis Obispo in 2005. While completing his degree, Matthew started his own design-build-fabricate business exploring the depths of the designer-builder industry.

He has worked as project manager and/or in the construction field with Schuchart Dow Inc. General Contractors, Johnson Squared, Inhabit LLC, Woolen Studio, and Ron Ayers Design and Construction. With an emphasis on Cottage Housing, Matthew continues to consult with several small architecture firms and builders and developers on sustainable practices and building technologies through design implementation and planning and organization tools.クリナップ ラクエラ シンシアシリーズ 壁付 I型 スライド収納プラン 間口2250mm 奥行650mm 高さ850mm TUシンク 食器洗い乾燥機なし ウォールユニットなし rakuera clen
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Sustainability is an amazing Movement of culture to better care for our land, water and air.  I have a strong comittment to this movement and will have more to add to this page as time goes on.  Meanwhile, Please consider these resources for your enrichment:

Web Resource:, here.
American Institute of Architects on Sustainability, here.
United States Green Building Council, here.


Natural Capitalism. Paul Hawken Amory Lovens L.Hunter Lovens.  Amazon. Kindle.
Cradle to Cradle.  William McDonough. Amazon. Kindle.

What is a Consultant?

A consultant (from the Latin consultare means “to discuss” from which we also derive words such as consul and counsel) is a professional who provides advice in a particular area of expertise.

A consultant is usually an expert or a professional in a specific field and has a wide knowledge of the subject matter. A consultant usually works for a consultancy firm or is self-employed, and engages with multiple and changing clients. Thus, clients have access to deeper levels of expertise than would be feasible for them to retain in-house, and to purchase only as much service from the outside consultant as desired.

My Services

I offer a variety of services to prospective clients, from design documentation and visualization to information management and research.  The list below describes a few of my commonly rendered services.

My Rates

My rates vary per project, per client.  Depending on project scope, duration and budget the cost for consulting services are negotiated.  Depending on Client References & Referrals, fees will be negotiated as well.  Some projects are worked on at an hourly or daily rate and can also be bid for consulting services.

Hourly Rates:

Starting at $55 per hour.

Daily Rates:

Starting at $500 per day.

Project Bids:

Bidding a project has no estimate fee.  Please Contact Me regarding your project to discuss.

Reduced Rates: I have a number of hours per year I will work for reduced rates, depending on ongoing projects, personal references, strong business startups, and charitible situations. Please Contact Me regarding your situation.


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